How Plantar Fascia Socks Can Help You Relieve Pain in Your Feet


Most people think of Plantar Fascia socks and Plantar Fasciitis under one roof, but there is actually a lot more to them than meets the eye. In fact, they can be classified as a protective footwear, designed to help relieve the pain associated with Plantar Fascia, or even to aid with healing. While it is almost never needed, it is not advisable. To explain why, let’s recap the main information contained in the Plantar Fasciitis Information Sheet. You might remember that this form of foot pain occurs when the plantar fascia is repeatedly subjected to a stretching force without being given any break.

This is due to the fact that the plantar fascia is designed like a very stiff rubber band and has hundreds of tiny little joints between them. These joints enable the plantar fascia to be stretched, but in doing so it causes the tissue to be torn. The actual tearing takes place at the joins where the two bands meet, at the midsole. If this happened on the sole of your foot, you would feel the first Whiff. You would immediately know that something is wrong, because walking would become uncomfortable and the pain would begin to increase.

At the other end of the spectrum, if you only suffer from minor Plantar Fascia pain, it is unlikely that wearing plantar fasciitis socks or shoes will be of any help. However, if you suffer from excruciating pain, or if your feet are constantly cold, or if you are suffering from any number of other painful conditions such as fungal infections or cysts, then it is likely that wearing plantar fasciitis socks or shoes is going to help to considerably reduce the discomfort you feel in your feet. The plantar fascia is made up of a number of connective tissue fibres which actually help to hold your bones together. These fibres can become inflamed due to a variety of different things and can be what leads to the pain and discomfort you experience. By wearing plantar fasciitis socks or insoles, they will help to reduce any inflammation that occurs in these tissues, and as well as helping to keep your bones and feet in the correct alignment, they can also help to alleviate the pain you feel in your feet.
